Sunday, April 24, 2022

Decolonial Speakers Series: First Speaker

 The Decolonial Philosophies Collaborative invites the graduate community and faculty of the University of Oregon to be part of a conversation with our first speaker. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Sponsorship by OHC, and upcoming speaker series

 We are happy to announce that we have received the sponsorship of Oregon Humanities Center since the beginning of 2022.  As a research interest group supported by the Oregon Humanities Center, we are able to purchase books for our group as well as invite (paid) visiting scholars and speakers. We are currently planning a speaker series on decolonial thought, and we will announce more details about it soon.

Recently, our work has been focused more on the presentation and discussion of our own decolonial (and postcolonial) research. Since most of that research is still unpublished, we were not able to post about those discussions on our blog. However, our speaker series will be a public event, so we are hoping that we can have many interested students and scholars of decolonial and postcolonial thought join us in those talks and conversations. Stay tuned for more updates!

First Reading of the Fall term: Beyond the Coloniality of Gender

    At our first meeting of the fall term, we discussed Alex Adamson's paper "Coloniality of Gender: MarĂ­a Lugones, Sylvia Wynter, ...